Wednesday, August 1, 2018

These are recent student examples of completed charcoal self portraits.  For most of them it was the first time using charcoal in this manner plus drawing a Self Portrait using a mirror.  No photos or cell phone images were allowed.

Step By Step:

First the paper was taped to a rigid surface. 

1. Then charcoal was lightly rubbed on the paper. Afterwards a rough paper towel was used to scrub and rub the charcoal until it became a 60% value.

2. Then using an eraser the student starts drawing the facial shapes and other details,  This is the Subtractive aspect. 

3. Now using charcoal, compressed charcoal, the student adds the properly placed darker values.  This is the Additive aspect of the method.  

4. The student is encouraged to use this process to correct, and complete the drawing.  After it is completed the tape is carefully removed, resulting in a very impressive learning experience.